"Totally Spies! Totally Party" is a game based on the popular animated series "Totally Spies". The game tells the adventures of three teenage girls from school - Sam, Alex and Clover - who are recruited into the American Special Services, under the command of the mysterious Jerry.
Players take on the role of three heroines, setting off on missions entrusted by Jerry, the Head of the Agency. The game board is divided into various fields, such as bases, bonus gadgets and arcade mini-games. During the game, we will be able to play 25 mini-games, each offering various challenges, e.g.: parading down a catwalk, landing on the roof of a skyscraper, fighting aliens, escaping from fans, avoiding lasers, defending a boutique, etc.
"Totally Spies! Totally Party" does not limit the fun to a single-player game. The game also features a multiplayer mode in which three people can compete.
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