Iron Man is an action game depicting the fate of the iconic superhero known from the Marvel comics. In terms of fiction, it is largely based on the cinema production of the same title from 2008. However, it expands the story with new elements and introduces additional enemies (Titanium Man, Whiplash). The main characters were voiced by actors known from the film - Robert Downey Jr., Terrence Howard and Shaun Toub.
The story begins with the arms tycoon Tony Stark's business trip to Afghanistan. The genius is kidnapped by a terrorist organization that forces him to design a new missile. Instead, however, he builds a deadly armor that regains his freedom. After these events, Stark abandons the arms trade, takes the pseudonym Iron Man, and fights evil.
Iron Man is a title focused on fighting using the full potential of ultra-modern armor. The player has the ability to fly, great strength in hand-to-hand combat, as well as weapons including rockets, micro-grenades and a flamethrower. During 12 missions, he faces humans, tanks, helicopters and powerful, often mechanized bosses.
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