Desperate Housewives: The Game is based on the plot of the series of the same title. During the game we play the role of a housewife with amnesia, who has just moved with her teenage son and husband to Wisteria Lane. The entire plot is divided into 12 episodes. The player can control the appearance of the characters, home furnishings, and relationships with other characters, mainly with other housewives from the area. The gameplay is easy and fun, you can complete it without any problems in two days, and the whole thing is to solve puzzles and discover the secret of the main character. The game reflects well the humor of the work on which it is based. We won't find many difficulties or exciting gameplay here, and many plot twists can be guessed too quickly. This is most likely a production for fans of the series who will feel as if they have discovered a lost season. Advanced players who are not related to the show may be disappointed with it.
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Slugsii 2022-09-21
"Please insert the original disc instead of a backup. (1000)"is there anyway of fixing this or?