Turrican, an arcade game released in 1990 by Rainbow Arts. The original game was released for Commodore C64 computers, later moved to other platforms, including Amiga.
The story of the game is set in the science-fiction world (somewhere in another part). The player embodies the title Turrican - the hero who can only defeat the monster with three faces - Morgul. The monster has once managed to defeat and send to another dimension. But by some miracle, he managed to get into the world of people and threaten the entire population.
As a hero, you have at your disposal the latest techniques and weapons (various rifles, lasers, etc.). This will give you a better chance of defeating the monster and restoring peace in the world.
The road to Morgul leads through 5 worlds divided into 13 levels. In each of the worlds are waiting for you other threats and opponents. In addition, each level is limited by time.
Turrican, was very welcomed by the players world. This is a typical representative of arcade games. What distinguishes this title, dynamics and nice graphics.
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Lroyb 2021-02-15
This is one of my favourite games from the c64 era.