Joe Blade 2, a puzzle-adventure game released in 1988 by Players. The game is released for 8-bit Computers, C64, SPectrum, MSX and 16-bit Amiga, Stari ST and PC.
The game takes place in 1995. In a cyber-criminalized world. We play as in the previous part, Joe Blade. In the second installment, we have a similar mission to do - rescue the prisoners. This time, Joe is an ordinary citizen, there are no weapons, the only way to "liquidate" the opponent is bouncing. Quite a strange way to unleash your opponent. As in the previous section, so now in your hike you will gather food, extra time or solve tasks.
Joe Blade 2 is a relatively easy game. Qualified players can play in one hour. Graphically, it seems unchanged from the predecessor. Control and way of play, unfortunately not everyone will fall in love with.
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