"Batman: Vengeance" is a game based on a popular cartoon (not comics or movies). The player takes on the role of the Dark Knight, guarding Gotham City and protecting it from enemies such as Mr. Freeze, Poison Ivy, Harley Quinn, and above all, the Joker.
The game begins after the death of the Joker, who falls from a bridge during a fight with Batman. After his disappearance, a void appears at the top of Gotham's criminal hierarchy, and the city's most dangerous villains begin to fight for position. A criminal wave rolls through the city, and chaos grows. Batman must rise to the occasion and save Gotham once again, although not everything is as it seems. Even the death of the Joker is in question. Is he really dead, or is his return just a matter of time? The fate of Gotham depends on the actions of the Dark Knight.
Install notes: In the English version, we managed to run the game on Windows 10 (64bit). The Polish version only works on 32-bit systems.
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