"Arthur and the Invisibles" is a breathtaking arcade game with adventure game elements. The game draws inspiration from the blockbuster movie titled "Arthur and the Invisibles".
The plot tells the story of ten-year-old Artur, who forms an extraordinary friendship with tiny creatures that live in harmony with nature. Arthur is forced to look at the world from the perspective of these tiny creatures in order to find the treasure hidden in their land that will save his grandfather's house from demolition and the Minimoy tribe from destruction.
Arthur is not alone on his journey, he is accompanied by two unique characters - the slightly conceited Princess Selenia and her brother Betamesh. Each character has unique skills, and only proper cooperation between them allows you to overcome the difficulties that players face during the game.
The game requires players not only dexterity, but also the ability to think logically, because they often have to solve difficult puzzles and meet various challenges.
The visual setting of the game was prepared with attention to detail, and the three-dimensional graphics are distinguished by rich colors and details. Similarly, the game's sound introduces players to the magical atmosphere of the Minimoy world.
"Arthur and the Minimoys" is the amazing world of the little ones, full of magic and extraordinary adventures. We recommend the game not only to movie fans but also to everyone who wants to get to know the world of Arthur and the Minimoys.
Install notes:
Installation problems may occur on 64-bit systems. In this case, press the Win+R combination and in the command line type msiexec /a x:\Arthur.msi, where instead of the letter x, enter the drive where you mounted the disk image.
If after starting the game the video is displayed with artifacts - copy the file from the videoFix folder to the game installation location.
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