Wild Metal Country is an action game released in 1999 by Gremlin Interactive Limited. The game was released for PC (Windows) and Dreamcast.
Wild Metal Country is a game in which we sit behind the controls of a small tank. We can choose one of five types, differing, e.g. speed, armor, etc. The arena of the game are the three planets of the Tehric system. Your task is to destroy all enemies. In the game for a single player - the goal is to get eight colored energy cells. During the game, you can use rockets and mines.
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ian Thomson 2024-05-05
I was Level Designer on the PC "Wild Metal Country" and SEGA Dreamcast version "Wild Metal". I have some new levels available that I am happy to email the files to those who would like to play them. My email is : iantommo@hotmail.comAdditional WMC Details here : https://iantommo.wixsite.com/website/copy-of-wild-metal