
Dynamix, Inc.


Sierra On-Line





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Description of TRIBES 2

Tribes 2 is an action game (FPS) released in 2001 by Sierra On-Line. The game was released for PC (Linux / Windows).

Classic, old school FPS which is multiplayer Tribes 2 is certainly a game that has been remembered by many avid fanatics of network shooters. The fictional universe of Earthsiege, set in 3941, allows players to choose a targeted character who is a soldier of one of the competing factions - each with a unique, unique design and interestingly complex story that makes itself felt directly on the battlefield.

Tribes 2 allows you to simultaneously run the game with the participation of up to 128 players ready to sow chaos in the ranks of the opponent's factions. Players can play phenomenal battles in significantly different game modes, each with a unique campaign path. In addition, players have a huge selection in adapting their role on the battlefield, everyone also has a large arsenal of deadly toys and vehicles, allowing them to implement creative ideas and tactics that destroy the resources and structures of the opponent. Tribes 2 is a cult FPS, which finds its fans around the world to this day, constantly waging on huge, interestingly constructed maps and specially prepared game modes.

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