"Need for Speed: Undercover" is the twelfth installment in the series, in which players take on the role of a secret policeman tasked with breaking up an international crime syndicate by infiltrating it and reaching its leader - a crazy driver known for his extraordinary skills behind the wheel. The player must gain enough reputation and respect in the criminal organization to achieve this goal.
During the game, the player freely moves around the big city in their cars, accepting missions in different places. These missions are various tasks, from regular races, through goals inspired by the game "Burnout", such as destroying as many objects as possible, to the completely new "Highway Battle" mode, in which you have to increase the distance between yourself and your opponent by a designated number of meters. The game also includes missions that require you to deliver a specific car to the garage in the best possible condition.
Winning races brings reputation and unlocks new challenges and parts of the city. Additionally, the player receives cash, which can be invested in new cars or tuning old ones.
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