Spider-Man: Friend or Foe is an arcade game whose main goal is to fight an opponent. The story unfolds when Spiderman and the rest of the villains (Venom, Octopus and others) attack strange creatures in cosmic costumes. They are the main opponents throughout the game. All the enemies so far must ally in order to defeat them.
The great advantage of Spider-Man: Friend or Foe is the ability to play Spider-man opponents who are the bosses of each level. After defeating them, we have them at our disposal later in the game. An additional advantage is the option of the cooperation mode, i.e. the ability to play your favorite heroes with a friend.
The design of the characters is based on the Trilogy created by Sam Raimi, but it is varied with a cartoon accent, which has a positive effect on their appearance. The downside of the game may be the camera that does not follow us. It shows the game from the side, which can be a problem with 3D character technology.
The combat scheme is not very extensive. It is based on monotonous blows and modest skills of the heroes. There are short cinemas between the game, which are often plot hints. It's very hard to die in the game and the graphics are archaic.
Spider-Man: Friend or Foe is an intellectually demanding position that is best for playing with a friend.
Install notes: Run the game with administrator privileges.
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