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Description of SPACE SIEGE

Space Siege is an action game based on science fiction, thanks to which the game features an alien race and advanced technology. For most of the game, we control one character fighting various opponents and collecting loot as equipment and scrap that serves as a currency. In the game, we can develop a character, thanks to which he gets new skills or improves the ones that already have. In the game, humanity has mastered technology so advanced that it can move around the universe of the 22nd century, settling on different planets. During one such trip, people come across the Kerak race, which are malevolent, they target and attack the Earth. He then turns to the colony ships that own the Armstrong ship and tries to take it over.
The Space Siege player takes on the role of Seth Wlker, who is a military engineer on the ship who does not want to let the Kerak take over the ship at all costs. He is a tough guy who can destroy hordes of enemies alone. He delivers dialogues in a hard and unshakable voice. He has a modest arsenal of weapons to choose from, and the differences between them are rather cosmetic. Weapon upgrades are also not very noticeable. The fight in the game is limited to clicking constantly and from time to time you can use one of the few skills of the main character.

Install notes: If there are problems with displaying the mouse cursor, follow the steps below. instructions from PC Gaming Wiki .

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