Primal Prey, released in 2001 by Arush Entertainment, is a first-person shooter in which we play the role of a hunter hunting various species of dinosaurs, and our opponents will be such beasts as, for example, tyrannosaurus. The players have at their disposal a number of different types of weapons, such as shotguns or a sniper rifle. The game was released only for PCs, and the graphics engine generates completely three-dimensional textures, which in 2001 was still sometimes not as obvious as it might seem.
When it comes to the subject matter, it is worth mentioning that the game draws heavily from another series of games in which we fight dinosaurs, namely the Turok series. Thanks to the extensive intelligence, the opponents do not move like the proverbial puppets, but adapt to their life needs, which makes the game much more extensive.
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eraikun 2022-02-13
OMG... I totally forgotten this game... i never heard it before or after I played... It was way to intense I never really got into it as a child.. I mean you step into a portal with a bubble maker kind of a gun and a tyrannosaurus is waiting on the other side?If I played this today, but in VR and with the today capabilities... I think I would rate it a 9/10
And thx for providing this gem to us :D