Planet Alcatraz, also known as Dungeon Cleaners, is an RPG set in futuristic climates. It also focuses on the tactical layer. It is inspired by such series as Fallout and Jagged Alliance. The game is set on an empty planet that temporarily serves as a prison. The player takes on the role of one of the criminals who are sent to the planet to serve his sentence. However, compared to prisons on Earth, the character is not provided with food and a comfortable bed. The main problem of the protagonist is to survive in a dangerous environment, full of murderers, cheaters and anarchy.
Before starting the game, you need to create your own hero, choosing his appearance, gender and special characters such as eye color, hair color, and the arrangement of tattoos. The gameplay takes place in real time. As in any RPG, the player can take care of the character's equipment and equip it with various types of weapons. In Planet Alcatraz, you can choose from a set of different armor and about 80 types of weapons, including melee and futuristic weapons. Their characteristics differ drastically, and the parameters affect accuracy, range, type of ammunition or strength. Despite the average graphics, the game is captivating by the original idea and delight players of all ages.
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