The titular policeman GADGET is the hero of the animated series of the same title. In both the cartoon and the game, Gadget is joined by a smart girl named Penny and a talented dog named Brain. They both try to keep Uncle Gadget out of too much trouble.
A nice trio fights against the personification of all evil, which is undoubtedly Dr. Pazur and his criminal organization M.A.D. They help police chief Quibmyle solve the puzzles. The commissioner takes keeping his tasks secret very seriously. That's why he chooses super conspiratorial places for meetings. e.g. he hides in the trash can or in Gadget's TV (just like in the game).
The message is short. Strange things are happening to United Nations delegates all over the world. This matter needs to be clarified quickly. Preferably before the upcoming UN meeting, during which issues related to the ecology of the entire Earth will be considered.
The game is basically intended for children. The game's operation is limited to the classic menu with icons.
The player alternates between Penny and Brain. Before the grand finale at the UN building in New York, you must go to a few other locations around the world and solve a puzzle each time.
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