Grand Theft Auto 2 (GTA 2), a skill game released in 1999 by Rockstar Games. The game was released on PlayStation, Dreamcast, GameBoy Color consoles and PCs.
The game is a continuation of the well-received previous part. The game is set in the fictional city of Anywhere City in the near future. As with the GTA, the player must collect enough money to unlock the next level (here unlocking more neighborhoods). Your tasks will include, among others. robbery, robbery, escape from the police and (perhaps above all) execution of gangster orders.
The difference between the first part and the second one is primarily the city. In GTA 2, the game field is just one city, divided into districts. The authors of the game also added other security services, in addition to the police, you will run away from the FBI, SWAT and US guards.
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