Embark on a fascinating journey with Barbie through the charming world of "Barbie and the Three Musketeers", a platformer inspired by the film of the same title. In the game, players take on the role of Corinne, an adventurous young woman who dreams of being a Musketeer in the French countryside. In addition to Corinne, players also control her friends: Aramina, Renee and Viveca.
The basis of the game is cooperation between the four heroines. While exploring the game world, players encounter puzzles and obstacles that require cooperation and intelligent use of the abilities of each character. The action of the game begins when the Musketeers discover a treacherous plot against the prince.
To overcome challenges, players can use a variety of items, such as hooks, pinwheels and Chinese fans. An additional charm of the game is the presence of Miette, a cat accompanying the girls. Players can control the cat, allowing access to areas inaccessible to Musketeers. This element encourages players to think creatively and use Miette's skills strategically.
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