Gaya is a magical land in a parallel world to Earth, where the brave boy Zino and the inventor Boo live happily. Zino spends most of his days resolving disputes with the malicious Snurk clan and humiliating these hooligans. However, everything changes one day when a crazy professor from Earth steals the magic stone that provides Gaya with energy. Zino and his friends teleport to Earth to save their world!
"Back to Gaya" is an action game in which the main character, Zino, has to complete various tasks. The tasks are of two types: in the first, the player has to find a way from the starting point to the teleportation point. In the second type, the player has to drive a sports car and complete race tracks within a certain time.
During the eddy, Zino will have to activate the necessary mechanisms, find keys to open doors, jump on various ledges and fight with various enemies such as armored worms, giant rats, poisonous spiders, aggressive birds, etc.
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