A humorous arcade game referring to the Kotopies children's series. As the title suggests, the production tells the story of two connected animals. The heroes, encouraged by the vision of living in wealth, decide to find the legendary Golden Hydrant, thanks to which their fate will change forever.
CatDog: Quest for the Golden Hydrant consists of six arcade mini-games. In Greaser's the Word, the player has to deal with a two-dimensional platformer in which characters collect coupons from Eddie scattered around the dump. Iced, Thawed, & Delivered is a fast paced game that requires you to grab treats and avoid obstacles in the way of the trading post. Climb Ev'ry CatDog is a mini-game in which the user climbs up the mountain while avoiding falling spikes and enemies. Space Madness takes the player to outer space, where his task is to shoot ships belonging to an alien race. In Taco Trouble, he collects and delivers food, while Queen of Denial is a typical platformer focused on exploration.
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