
Funatics Software GmbH


Funatics Software









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Cultures - Northland is a strategy game released in 2002 by Funatics Software. The game was released for PC (Windows / Linux), Macintosh and iPad.

Northland is the third installment of the Cultures series. This title, balancing on the edge between real-time strategy and the story of the adventures of a group of heroes, arose as competition for popular Settlers. The Funatics Development team undoubtedly learns from the mistakes of their rivals and, despite the unchanged graphics or sound, has to offer a number of new products and facilities. The current story line is retained, the characters known from the predecessors are returning - the peregrination of Bjami, Cyra and Sigurd does not end after winning over the Midgard snake, this time they hurry with the help of Hatschi, and on their heels evil forces that even manage to enter our ranks team.

However, Cultures Northland is above all a realistic simulator of the life of the Vikings in the far North, and the word "realism" is not accidental here. The creators of the game put the greatest emphasis on the development of the community, so supporters of battle battles may be a bit tired, at least at the beginning, when they have to patiently feed, raise and educate future warriors, and then send them into battle. Good knowledge of weapons will soon be useful, especially since Funatics promise a greater variety of potential enemies - their advancement will depend on the level chosen by the player. It's a good hint for those who want to focus only on building a virtual settlement. Gameplay without a well-developed economic sense can pose some difficulties - for the village to resemble an energetic and efficient organism, exceptional divisibility of attention will be useful. You should not only take care of the birth rate, but also skillfully distribute tasks and send scouts to supervise the progress of all work. Computer-generated characters are no longer just small cogs in the great machine of life - they are primarily people and as such require appropriate encouragement.

During the game, we have eight main missions and numerous side orders. There will also be something for fans of single- or multiplayer, as well as a large number of battle boards.

Where to get the game CULTURES NORTHLAND

Why can't the game be downloaded? The game CULTURES - NORTHLAND is protected by copyright. The game CULTURES - NORTHLAND You can buy the game on one of the game distribution platforms (list above). By clicking the 'Go to shop' button, you will be redirected to the selected store where you can check the price of the game.

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