The Incredible Hulk is an action game based on the 2008 film of the same title. The story mode focuses on the adventures of Hulk and Rick Jones, who try to defeat the sinister organization Enclave, face the military and free Bruce Banner from his alter ego - Hulk.
In the game, the player takes on the role of the incredibly strong Hulk, exploring the faithfully recreated streets of New York. Hulk can destroy almost everything in his path - from cars and buses, through lampposts, to entire buildings. Thanks to various attacks, such as charges, punches, Hulk turns the city into ruins. Destroyed objects can be picked up and used as weapons to sow even greater destruction. During the adventure, Hulk will be able to collect hundreds of items that unlock additional materials, special characters and mini-games, which provides many hours of fun.
The Incredible Hulk is a treat for fans of comic book superheroes and destructive gameplay in the big city.
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