Descent to Undermountain is a role-playing game released in 1997 by Interplay Productions, Inc. The game takes place in Waterdeep, a city where people are inexplicably dying. The player's task is to find the cause of this event, and as the chosen person, you are the only chance to restore the old order.
Therefore, you must descend to Undermountain, where you will determine what to do next. So you land in a huge underground labyrinth overrun by terrible kobolds. For peace to reign, you must find whoever rules them. The only thing that can defeat creatures is the power of the legendary sword. However, it will not work without the additional strength of the amulet. Unfortunately, the amulet was destroyed and its pieces scattered throughout the maze. Therefore, your goal is to find eight pieces of the amulet, combine the whole and finally attack your opponent. Only with the power of this sword will an infinite army be under your command and Waterdeep will be saved.
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cambeiu 2021-01-16
Ranked as one of the worst games of all time. That fact alone makes it worth preserving.