The production is based on the cult science-fiction novel "Dune" by Frank Herbert. Its story focuses on the fate of Prince Paul Atryda, whose father was to take over the title planet, and at the same time the place of extraction of the precious Melange. As a result of the conspiracy of a rival Harkonnen family, a coup occurs, from which only the young hero and his mother survive. They both find refuge among the indigenous people - the Fremen tribe. They recognize Paul Atrida as the long-awaited Messiah and together with him they decide to take the planet back from the hands of the usurpers.
Frank Herbert's Dune is an adventure title, the player takes part in numerous missions based on fighting with futuristic laser weapons or requiring sneaking between opponents. Exploring the levels is arcade-like, moving around locations often requires e.g. climbing platforms or moving along the edges. There are also uncomplicated environmental puzzles in the game.
In addition to missions, Paul Atryda can talk to NPCs in the Fremen headquarters - this is the only place where you can save the game.
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