Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow, released in 2004, is a continuation of the adventures of the secret agent Sam Fisher. As a member of a special task force known as the Third Echelon, Fisher is called up for secret missions. This time it's about stopping the terrorist from spreading the deadly disease. Your task is to find out who the terrorist is, who he works for and, above all, to prevent a pandemic from breaking out. Together with your good friends Irving Lambert and Anna Grimsdottir, you are stepping into action. So you travel from Paris to Indonesia, all the way to the holy land in Jerusalem. All because the bomber moves around and is difficult to catch.
The character is equipped with his standard pistol and an enhanced SC-20K with an additional scope and two zoom levels. He also has an arsenal of weapons from the previous version of the game. The hero's dexterity and cunning have also been improved. He is able to perform SWAT turns and other jumps. Using the whistling skill, it can attract the attention of any nearby potential opponent.
The game also allows you to play multiplayer games. We then abandon the role of Sam Fisher to become part of a group of Shadownet spies facing the Argus team. Your task is to find containers with a deadly liquid. Avoid cameras, motion detectors, and lasers. Do whatever you can to move past the enemy unnoticed.
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