Star Wars: Starfighter is an action game released in 2002 by LucasArts Entertainment Company. The game was released for PC (Windows), PlayStation and XBox.
"Star Wars: Starfighter" is one of several games related to the movie "Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace". During the game, the players will have to see the events known from the cinematic image, but from a different perspective. In production, we play the role of a member of the team of space fighter pilots defending the planet Naboo against the army of droids serving the dishonest Trade Federation. The core of the game are spectacular space shooters. This means that instead of a simulation approach to vehicle control, we will experience an arcade gameplay model that focuses on dynamic action, but the developers took care of the gameplay variety. During the campaign, players can sit at the controls of over twenty different spaceships, differing from each other, among others weapons, which force a different tactical approach to combat. It is no different with the hostile forces, which consists of more than fifty different machines using different techniques. The whole is complemented by a well-aged audio-visual setting.
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