Planet of The Apes is an action game released in 2001 by Fox Interactive. The game was released for PC (Windows) and PlayStation.
The game refers to the movies from 1968 and the remake of 2001, however the story is a loose story set on the eponymous Monkey Planet. You play as Ulysses whose space ship crashed on a planet ruled by monkeys. After being locked up, you were locked in a cell. Fortunately, one of the monkeys turns out to be a "friend" and secretly smuggles the key into your cell. After freeing yourself from the cell, you must use your intelligence to get out of captivity. On the planet you will meet enemies (with which you will have to fight melee) and other characters from whom you will be able to learn useful information.
Install notes: When you run the game on new operating systems, copy the files - D3DImm.dll and DDraw.dll from the dgVooDoo package from the folder MS and place it of installation folder.
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