In "Mage Knight: Apocalypse", players assume the role of one of five characters, each with a different driving style and an original development system. The heroes support Solonavi's mages in their efforts to end the wars unleashed by the forces of Chaos that spread hatred. The only way to bring peace between the warring peoples and prevent the eponymous Apocalypse is to destroy the five-headed Dragon, which is a source of power that devastates the original order. This goal can only be achieved through trans-racial unity in the fight against a common enemy and using the potential of the heroes' extraordinary power. Only their concerted cooperation will lead to the final victory.
The gameplay focuses on the traditional elements of computer role-play games, such as fighting hordes of enemies, improving your character, collecting equipment and crafting items. It is worth noting a special system of developing skills that increase with the frequency of their use. Heroes clearly differ in their strengths and weaknesses, hence the important challenge will be to complete and develop your team in an optimal way, so that it can deal with each opponent.
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