Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain is an action game released in 1997 by Activision. The game was released for PCs (Windows) and for PlayStation 3, PSP, PS Vita consoles.
In the game, we play the role of Cain - a respectable nobleman - who was killed by a group of bandits. After death, Cain is resurrected as a vampire by Necromancer Mortanius. Cain wants revenge. As a vampire, he is much faster than a man - so revenge on his tormentors should not be a problem. But Mortanius has a completely different plan to resurrect Cain ...
Install notes: You will install the game for 64 bit systems using the Setup file located in the archive For Windows XP - the installation file can be found in the archive. Mount the disc and then install using the appropriate file.
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