Tomb Raider Gold, an adventure game released in 1996 by Eidos Interactive. The game was released for PCs, Macintosh and many consoles such as PlayStation, Nintendo, GameCube etc.
The main character of the game is the British archaeologist Lara Croft. The plot of the game comes down to Lara finding a mystical item called Scion, which lies in the uncharted tomb of Qualopeca. To this end, he travels to South America. With the guide he reaches the target (the tomb), but he himself dies. Since then Lara has been on her own ...
The action of the game is presented from the perspective of the third person. We will have 15 missions on four continents. The authors of the game have been tempted to add a few logic puzzles to solve, thus making the game more attractive.
Tomb Raider is a game you just have to play.
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