Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back is an arcade game released in 1985 by Atari Games Corporation. The game was released for Amiga, Amstrad CPC, Atari ST, BBC Micro, C64, ZX Spectrum and arcade machines.
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back is a game inspired by the movie of the same title. In the game you will find four sequences that could be seen in the cinema screening:
- the first takes place on the ice planet Hoth. Here we must destroy the droids with the imperial probe,
- in the second we have to fend off imperial walkers, shooting at their feet a limited number of tow lines or aiming laserly at a small area of the head,
- in the third Millennium Falcon we must destroy TIE fighters in space,
- last - fourth Falcon must navigate the asteroid field, avoiding collision.
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