Lego Racers, an arcade game (races) released in 1999 by Lego Media. The game was released for PCs and N64, PlayStation and GameBoy consoles.
The plot of the game is set in the fictional world of "Legolandia". Rocket Racer, famous racing driver, organizes races for the Rocket Cup. You can choose (at the beginning) Joan of Kart, Turbo Charger, Scooter and Roboracer.
The tournament is played in stages, of which there are seven. Each of the first six tournaments consists of four races, while the last tournament is one race in which the opponent is Rocket Racer.
During the races, you will be able to collect special bonus blocks that, thanks to their properties, will give you "power" or will make it difficult for rivals to race, for example by pouring grease onto the road.
Install notes: After installing the game - set the compatibility mode with Windows XP.
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Adnan 2020-05-12
Used to play this game when i was a little child missed it so muchSaurabh Sharma 2020-04-28
Best game ever Oh my god! I used to play this everyday for hours sometimes when I was 6.samuel 2019-12-13
great game my childhoodgg shmo 2019-06-13
great gameNiko 2019-05-21
I used to play this all day when I was 5 years old, it was my first pc game ever