"Kung Fu Panda" is an action game released in 2008 by Activision Publishing. The game's plot tells the story of Po, who seems to be an ordinary, slightly lazy panda, but in the face of the threat that threatens the Valley of Peace, he is chosen as the defender
The game "Kung Fu Panda" offers thirteen colorful and humorous levels. Most of them are locations known from the film, but the creators have enriched the gameplay with their own ideas, e.g. the mystical Lotus Lake
or the mysterious Wu Sisters. During the game, players discover the secrets of Po's styles, under the guidance of Master Shifu. As the game progresses, players gain more special moves.
"Kung fu Panda" is primarily arcade elements, but not only. From time to time, players will operate various machines and solve puzzles. Sometimes players need to do some thinking and consider how to overcome a given problem.
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