Dungeon Master II: The Legeon of Skullkeep, an RPG game released in 1993 (in Japan) by Interplay. The game was released for Amiga, Macintosh and PC. You can also play on the SEGA CD.
The task you get in the second part is to stop Dragoth's minions from creating the gate `Zo gate`.
Dungeon Master II, this game is very similar to the first part. You start by completing your team. The graphics (like the Amiga version) have essentially not changed - the layout has not changed much. The only changes and corrections (which is a plus), are the puzzles that you have to solve while wandering through the maze of dungeons, the castle or the forest.
Dungeon Master II, this game is definitely for fans of the series. The creators of the game put on 'playability', leaving audiovisual elements unmatched.
Install notes:
Amiga version is the installation version on HDD.
Macintosh version you will loaunch using the Basilisk II emulator.
Dungeon Master II for PC, launch dm2.bat.
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Phil 2019-01-21
love this old rpg :)