Action Supercross, a arcade game released in 1997 by Ervin Horvath. The game was released as a shareware for PC personal computers.
At first glance, the game does not impress - you will not find nice graphics or music that will make the game play time. And yet, players from all over the world went passionately to the next level, and - importantly - they created new stages (thanks to the built-in editor). So what was the secret of the game so desirable then? What distinguished Action Supercross from other games was its mechanics. The game was not easy, it has to be admitted, but after a few attempts she was able to pull in for hours.
The rules of the game are very simple. As a cross-country motorcycle driver, you must pick up apples from the board and then reach the finish line (marked with a flower). A mini map at the bottom of the screen can be helpful - there you will see the whole level in miniature and the location of the finish.
As we mentioned, the game does not impress audiobooks. The asset is primarily playability. And that is our opinion most important. Recommended.
Install notes: Note. The game offers graphics at 640x480 resolution but some computers may not run at such settings. Set the standard resolution to 320x200.
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