"Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs" is a game based on the animated film of the same title from 2009. The player takes on the role of Flint Lockwood, an inventor who tries to solve the problem of hunger in his city by creating a machine that turns water into food. Unfortunately, the experiments did not go entirely as the scientist expected and soon the machine gets out of control and food literally starts raining over the city of Flint. Now he must stop the machine and get rid of excess food, but the task will not be easy, the machine is protected by mutated food.
The action of the game consists of twenty levels that the player must complete to finally destroy the machine. During the journey, the player will be able to use Flint's inventions such as a hair dryer that can be used to melt ice cream obstacles, a mechanical boxing glove to destroy food, etc. Each level contains thirty pieces of food to destroy. Destroying them all unlocks a special project piece.
The player can complete the game on his own, but the game has a cooperation mode. A second player can join in at any time as Flint's pet monkey, Steve, and help him on his adventure.
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