Aladdin, an arcade-platform game released in 1994 by Virgin Interactive. The game was developed for the Amiga, PC and SEGA console.
In this game you control Aladdin. Your journey consists of many stages (known from the film). You start in Agrabah, then visit the Cave of Wonders, the sultan dungeons and finish your adventure in Jafara's pay. Here you will have the final battle - just with the vet. In your adventure you will have to confront the dangers of dangers. But you are not defenseless. You have a sword and apples (apples can be thrown at opponents, but remember that apples are limited). Along the way, you will pick up noble stones that you can exchange for extra "life". There are also bonus levels in the game. You can access them using the Genie icon or the Abu icon.
Aladdin's game is very nicely fine-tuned graphically as well as sound (eventually the Disney license is committed to something). As for today's standards, the game is extremely memorable. It is nice and above all very playable. We recommend you spend a dozen hours with the game.
Install notes:
The game version for Amiga requires the original rom (eg Kickstart 3.0). WinUAE emulation parameters:
Processor: 68020
Memory Chip RAM: 2 MB
Chipset: AGA, Extra Chipset: A1200, select Cycle-Exact! (Important)
You can set up three floppy disks for the comfort of your game.
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Fabiano. 2024-06-19
Essa versão do amiga nunca consegui fazer ela rodar pois sempre dar erro, mesmo com todas as bios, não sei o porque disso.